Thursday, December 26, 2019

Lone Survivor Character Analysis Essay - 1516 Words

Zac Mayo Ms. Mastro English 4A 20 November 2017 Literary Analysis Paper Ways the Tone Changed in Lone Survivor Marcus Luttrell’s Lone Survivor analyzes the tone of the novel as the protagonist moves from childhood to civilian life. The three main ways that the tone changed throughout the novel were... going through camp/ training, fighting for the decision of life or death, and transitioning back to the normal life in Houston, Texas. Throughout the story, the main character Marcus Luttrell went through many different life changing decisions. Even though many could argue that he made some really poor decisions that just made everything that he was already dealing with a little bit harder, he stuck to his decisions and stayed†¦show more content†¦The bond between the guys within the team is unbreakable. When it comes to the family†¦ they’ll never turn on it. Live and learn together and stay together forever. â€Å"He was hard and tough and wiry - just the sort that won’t say die`--- There was courage in his quick, impatient tread, And he bore the badge of gameness in his bright and fiery eye, And the proud and lofty carriage of his head† (Luttrell 364) This quote makes the reader notice that no matter how tough you were, everyone was scared on the top of the mountain. Have you ever been in a position that you had to make a life or death decision? Probably not and if you have it was never as bad or as hard as some of the ones that these Navy Seals in Operation Red Wings went through. Imagine being in an open fire battle when there’s four of you versus thousands of Taliban or Afghan’s going against you. Having to think about how well your family will be doing without you. Thinking about never seeing your wife, kids, mother†¦ who gave birth to you and gave everything that she had to you. The family that bent over backwards for you when you were younger. Imagine never seeing them ever again. Let this sink in for a second†¦ knowing that you have a an enemy with a gun in their hand trying to kill you. Now multiply that one enemy by ten thousand. That’s how many enemies you and your team have coming to kill you. Walking for hundreds of miles toShow MoreRelatedEssay on Reading Moby-Dick as Ethnic Allegory2752 Words   |  12 Pagesattitudes are enacted often in tension with or at the expense of different ethnic peoples living within Americas geographic borders. For these purposes, I would like specifically to examine Melvilles rather unconventional portrayal of a non-white character such as Queequeg. 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