Friday, February 21, 2020

Financial Mangement Decisions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Financial Mangement Decisions - Essay Example With an interest of capital at 10% seeing from the NPV table we multiply the values with the respective year cash flow. Then we add all the present values and subtract the initial investment to reach the NPV. The NPV is $1,021,901. The NPV shows a huge and positive value of $1.2 million. The accounting theory says that any project with a positive NPV should be accepted. This criterion is met and it is the most important criteria since it keeps the time value of money into consideration for the whole stream of the cash flows. Any changes done in the above cash flows can and cannot change the decision. However this depends on the value of the change at the end of the project. The additional building would have to be further depreciated and this may cause the change in decision. And depending on the amount of money invested the NPV could also become negative leading to a change in decision. Also it needs to be noted that the payback period is very close to the 3 year policy of the company. If the payback period changes and goes over the 3 year mark, then the project would be rejected. Question - Many corporate acquisitions result in losses to the acquiring firms' stockholders. Accordingly, why do firms purchase other corporations Are they simply paying too much for the acquired corporation A co-worker asks your opinion. Specifically state the reasons for your argument. According to a research done by Sara Moeller, Frederik ... 1,021,901 3) Based on your answer for question 2, do you think the project should be accepted Why Assume Superior has a P/B (payback) policy of not accepting projects with life of over three years. Yes, the project should be accepted based on the calculations done above. The NPV shows a huge and positive value of $1.2 million. The accounting theory says that any project with a positive NPV should be accepted. This criterion is met and it is the most important criteria since it keeps the time value of money into consideration for the whole stream of the cash flows. The criterion set by Superior is also met as the payback is less than three years (2 years 11 months). Since both criterions are met, it is advised that this project should be accepted. 4) If the project required additional investment in land and building, how would this affect your decision Explain. Any changes done in the above cash flows can and cannot change the decision. However this depends on the value of the change at the end of the project. The additional building would have to be further depreciated and this may cause the change in decision. And depending on the amount of money invested the NPV could also become negative leading to a change in decision. Also it needs to be noted that the payback period is very close to the 3 year policy of the company. If the payback period changes and goes over the 3 year mark, then the project would be rejected. Part Two Question - Many corporate acquisitions result in losses to the acquiring firms' stockholders. Accordingly, why do firms purchase other corporations Are they simply paying too much for the acquired corporation A co-worker asks your opinion. Specifically state the reasons for your argument. In your own words, please provide a

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Feministic justice and revenge upon patriarchal misogynists Essay

Feministic justice and revenge upon patriarchal misogynists - Essay Example This essay demonstrates that in GDT and BQ acts of feministic revenge are conducted as a means of claiming justice and reclamation of power from patriarchal characters who have abused their position of power. Conversely, in EH justice is only found through the legal system. Also, in GDT and BQ the heroines escape/are free at the end of the films, this implies, either rightly or wrongly that their actions were justified in the eyes of their respective societies and cultures. In EH, however, two of the main characters are killed by males, one by a boy and justice was only served for Yeter’s death in Germany. The films all demonstrate recognition of patriarchal ills conducted against women in each of the societies, and the women’s rights to seek justice. They do this in different manners, however, according to the cultural norms of the films’ characters. In GDT the woman is equal in all ways and can seek a violent revenge for herself. In BQ she can be strong and vio lent but still requires the support of men; she is not entirely equal. In EH women only have equality in the eyes of the law.  This essay demonstrates that in GDT and BQ acts of feministic revenge are conducted as a means of claiming justice and reclamation of power from patriarchal characters who have abused their position of power. Conversely, in EH justice is only found through the legal system. Also, in GDT and BQ the heroines escape/are free at the end of the films, this implies, either rightly or wrongly that their actions were justified in the eyes of their respective societies and cultures. In EH, however, two of the main characters are killed by males, one by a boy and justice was only served for Yeter’s death in Germany. The films all demonstrate recognition of patriarchal ills conducted against women in each of the societies, and the women’s rights to seek justice. They do this in different manners, however, according to the cultural norms of the filmsâ₠¬â„¢ characters. In GDT the woman is equal in all ways and can seek a violent revenge for herself. In BQ she can be strong and violent but still requires the support of men; she is not entirely equal. In EH women only have equality in the eyes of the law.   The feministic themes of revenge in GDT and BQ do not, however, serve to progress any culture.   There is no message that violence is not an acceptable cultural practice in any of the respective countries and the means of justice portrayed in these two films is not a common one in the real world. The actions of the real-life â€Å"Bandit Queen† are an exception rather than the norm. Justice through legal action in EH is a more accurate portrayal. In spite of this, it is apparent that the cold murder and lack of justice for Lotte and the abilities of men to threaten and control Yeter show that Turkish cultural attitudes to gender equality remain far behind those of European societies. In a world of increasing gender equ ality, however, the portrayal of gender violence against men as opposed to women is merely a dramatized portrayal of gender equality.